At his welcome speech Mostofa jobber, president of BCS said-
“We must congratulate the government for introducing e-info services in over 4500 unions across the country. They have also taken steps to make computer studies a compulsory subject from class six onwards.” However, he suggests that to truly conquer the goal of digital Bangladesh the secretariat needs to be digitized as well. He also mentioned, “The government should also look in to minor issues such as the excise duty on certain items. For example, monitors currently have the same duty on them as the normal TV. Moreover, the lack of online payment systems such as PayPal remains a huge problem for freelancers and those involved with outsourcing. If we could provide these services, they would benefit the mass people of the nation."
He further added, “As far as the BCS is concerned, we are extending our branches to eight more cities within Bangladesh to reach out to more people in rural areas.”
Different companies are showing various types of software and hardware tools, commodities, network and data communication devices, laptops, palmtops, computer accessories on the fair.Many are also offering discounts and special coupons to the customers.another attractions of the fair are gaming contest, painting competition for children, quiz competitions for students, a raffle draw, free internet browsing etc. The fair will continue till 25th of November and is open from 10 a.m to 8 p.m .
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